Please choose a Package & Payment Method below. The packages are as follows:
I understand that a $1000 one-time implementation fee will be billed and/or charged at the time the form is received. This one-time implementation fee includes the DMS team setting up my Organizations Audit Management Workflow for one (1) company that will be used during the Organization training. A member of the DMS team will contact my organization to obtain the information needed for set up.
Monthly: By Selecting this option your credit card will be charged monthly for the total number of seats multiplied by the per seat cost. For example, if 12 seats are selected, your monthly cost will be $238.80 (12*$19.90 per seat)
DVP Platinum Elite: 10-20 Seats – Starting at $19.90 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 21-45 Seats – Starting at $17.98 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 46-70 Seats – Starting at $12.99 per seat
Quarterly: By Selecting this option your credit card will be charged quarterly for the total number o seats multiplied by the Quarterly cost per seat which is discounted at 5%. For example, if 12 seats are selected your quarterly cost will be $680.76 (12*18.91=$226.92*3 months=$680.76)
DVP Platinum Elite: 10-20 Seats – Starting at $18.91 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 21-45 Seats – Starting at $17.08 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 46-70 Seats – Starting at $12.34 per seat
Annual: By Selecting this option your credit card will be charged one time annually for the total number of seats multiplied by the Annual cost per seat which is discounted at 10%. For example, if 22 seats are selected, your annual cost will be $4271.52 ($16.18***=$355.96*12=$4271.52).
DVP Platinum Elite: 10-20 Seats – Starting at $17.91 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 21-45 Seats – Starting at $16.18 per seat
DVP Platinum Elite: 46-70 Seats – Starting at $11.70 per seat